Your Slaying Secret Weapon to Optimize Business Processes

Ever since the dawn of humanity, people have always had the tendency to improve themselves and the way they’re living in general. They have always sought new ways to out-stand and become a better version of themselves and enhance their...

Money Talks, It Keeps Saying Good-Bye: How To Save Money!

Businesses today depend, for the most part, on technology. Indeed, technology has changed the face of the Earth and it’s impossible to deny its profound impact. Frankly, nowadays, technology & businesses go hand in hand where each of which leverage...

The First RFID Anechoic Laboratory in Lebanon

With all the fuss that’s revolving around RFID and NFC technologies, many organizations are seeking to gain the most of this technology. So in order to achieve that goal, Tragging in collaboration with Mercy Corps, INTAJ and UK AID, is...

History of RFID

How to Hunt Your Man? Ever thought about ways to stalk and track your man? I bet it has occurred to you once or twice. With all this technological advances, still they haven’t come up with one piece of technology...

IOT Will Alter the Face of the Earth As We Know It

I’m pretty sure you have watched “The Terminator” or James Cameron’s masterpiece “Avatar”. In case you haven’t, you probably should hit the store immediately and get the DVD’s. Perhaps the easiest way or let’s say “the most compelling” way to...

RFID is Replacing EAS System

I bet one of the most annoying things that has ever happened to me while shopping was when the alarm goes off when I leave the store. It’s irritating since it’s always a false alarm. The technology involved in this...