Unlock the Power of Smart Fixed Assets
In today’s technologically advanced world, everything seems to be getting smarter. From smartphones and cameras to mirrors, light bulbs, fridges, and TVs, smart devices are becoming commonplace. So, why not extend this trend to your fixed assets?
Introducing RFID-Based Fixed Asset Management
Fixed assets become smart fixed assets when they are tagged with an RFID tag. This RFID tag holds all sorts of information regarding the smart fixed assets starting with its ID number, passing by its acquisition date, manufacturer’s name, and reaching depreciation, maintenance information.
A reliable RFID based fixed assets management system will enable the easy allocation of these smart fixed assets & enables organizations to have full control over them. All information about smart fixed assets (location, custodian, acquisition date, vendor’s name, warranty, insurance etc.) will be displayed on the software’s database based on a color indicator. RFID fixed assets management system enables a complete financial transparency over smart fixed assets. This system has modules for accurately calculating depreciation, purchasing, maintenance costs, etc. where structured & detailed reports can be very easily issued. Furthermore, the software acts as an error & theft deterrent, where managers can thoroughly control & monitor smart fixed assets.

With fixed assets management system, managers will be able to have full control over fixed and mobile smart fixed assets which enables a facilitated decision making. It is a complete system that covers all aspects of the managing and accounting of smart fixed assets. It can be used in any sort of industry from retail to educational to medical to banks and the list goes on and on. Recording of data, movement of assets, calculation of depreciation, creation of user defined asset properties (for uniquely defined assets), and setting up customized and user specific reports can all be done with minimal efforts.
In addition, it saves both time and money as it streamlines processes, eliminates duplicate fixed assets purchases, eliminates maintenance over payments costs, and reduces wastes and errors and so much more. It has a user friendly interface which can be easily used by anyone in the company.
In essence, an RFID fixed assets management system simplifies and streamlines management processes, accurately calculates depreciation of smart fixed assets, easily allocates resources, tracks both fixed and mobile fixed assets, ensures ultimate transparency, improves decision making, significantly reduces costs & wastes which in return increases profits and enhance productivity. It is very much indeed the key to ultimate success. Be up to date & have your smart fixed assets now! It’s an investment that you won’t regret.
Boost Efficiency, Reduce Costs with Smart Asset Management
For more information about Tragging’s Fixed assets please visit us at: trackingfixedassets.com
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