With all the fuss that’s revolving around RFID and NFC technologies, many organizations are seeking to gain the most of this technology. So in order to achieve that goal, Tragging in collaboration with Mercy Corps, INTAJ and UK AID, is in the process of establishing an RFID anechoic laboratory that is specialized in RFID technology.
To begin with, the RFID anechoic laboratory as it is obvious from the name is a non-echo reflective chamber that absorbs reflections of echoes, electromagnetic waves, and sounds. What’s so compelling about RFID anechoic laboratory this kind of chambers is that the walls of the room are insulated from external noises thus, granting it the X-factor which is a quiet open space that could eliminate experimental errors. Tragging is establishing this RFID anechoic laboratory for the purpose of testing antennas, and electromagnetic interference.
Indeed, creating the perfect RFID anechoic laboratory requires a certain level of standards, and having a high budget to make it happen. Basically, this RFID anechoic laboratory has no internal reflection of waves in order to test devices that beam waves. When talking about RFID technologies, the entire thing revolves around waves. RFID tags emit waves or are activated by an RFID reader, the antenna of which also emits waves. So, in order to test and conduct experiments on these devices, there should be “Ideal” testing conditions, the very reason why anechoic laboratories are rather a must.
Tragging's RFID Anechoic Laboratory: A Game-Changer for the Industry
This RFID anechoic laboratory will benefit many parties; since the operating companies in RFID field lack an RFID anechoic laboratory to conduct experiments and researches, Tragging found that it is of utmost importance to establish this lab to help their team and others as well in the RFID techniques. Furthermore, the lack of RFID simulators that are rather crucial to simulate real life scenarios to study its results before implementing it in real life was also a trigger to establishing an RFID anechoic laboratory.
Tragging's RFID Anechoic Laboratory: Empowering Students, Researchers, and Entrepreneurs
In addition to aiding the operating companies in RFID fields, universities’ students will also be able to visit the RFID anechoic laboratory and conduct their experiments and carry on with their researches. Since there are no RFID specialized laboratories, and the academic body lacks knowledge and experience in this specific area, this laboratory will be of great help to students from all over the country.
Tragging’s RFID anechoic laboratory will be available for students, developers and everyone interested in RFID technology. This approach will stimulate the local market as well as grant a great added value for students’ researches in Lebanon. Moreover, RFID specialized companies will be able to further develop their products and services and find the most suitable ways to install and activate their systems. Not to mention that they will also benefit from the simulation programs and reduce research costs.
The RFID anechoic laboratory will create countless work opportunities as well as open new markets in the RFID domain especially for those already involved in RFID technologies. It is an experiments’ platform for developers, entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs to conduct experiments on their RFID based products without the need to invest in unaffordable equipment and supplies at the very beginning of their projects’ life.

Local programming and technology companies will be granted the opportunity of using the RFID anechoic laboratory to perform their experiments and researches to develop their products with the minimum cost possible. They will be able to integrate RFID technology into their products which will in return elevate the value of the products.
Tragging's RFID Anechoic Laboratory: A Beacon of Innovation
Essentially, the RFID simulation system will save a lot of time consequently saving substantial amounts of money. This very simulation system will reduce the value of RFID programs and systems making it available and affordable for more companies. This RFID anechoic laboratory is equipped with world class equipment and facilities based on the latest technology pertaining to different sectors.
Indeed, Tragging is the pioneers when it comes to RFID technology and with establishing this RFID anechoic laboratory, they arecrossing the boundaries no one else has dared even come close to and it’s only the beginning.
From research to reality. Tragging's anechoic lab bridges the gap.