The Different Ways of Fixed Assets Inventory

Fixed Assets are considered to be a company’s largest investment, which demands a structured and well-planned form of management and monitoring. Indeed, large businesses pay a great deal of attention to these fixed assets as they are the base of...

Do I need a Fixed Assets Management System?

In such a hectic world, managing fixed assets is more of a challenge than a business process. As businesses grow, so does its fixed assets and with it comes a great responsibility. Managing and tracking fixed assets is a delicate...

Money Talks, It Keeps Saying Good-Bye: How To Save Money!

Businesses today depend, for the most part, on technology. Indeed, technology has changed the face of the Earth and it’s impossible to deny its profound impact. Frankly, nowadays, technology & businesses go hand in hand where each of which leverage...

Want A Thriving Business? Focus on an RFID Queue Management!

Perhaps Colin in John Green’s “An Abundance of Katherines” should have used an RFID queue management system. Colin is a young man who happens to be dumped by 19 girls, all of which are named Katherine. As much as it’s...

How can RFID Prevent Counterfeited Goods?

Two days ago, an online shopping page had posted a photo of a breathtaking Givenchy black leather bag that costs $50. Truth be told, I wanted to so see if I can get a better price. So I hit the...

RFID Prohibiting Prison Break

Perhaps if Michael Scofield from Prison Break knew all about RFID technology he wouldn’t have dared come near the bank. Simply because RFID is used to track items, products, even people. Once upon a time, correctional officers used to keep...