From Tangible Assets to Smart Assets

Nowadays, due to the extreme technological advance, everything is starting to look smart. Phones are now smart phones, cameras as well, mirrors, light bulbs, fridges, TVs & so on are all smart. So, with so much “smart” products in the...

The Myth of Using Barcodes in Managing Fixed Assets

Huge businesses all over the world have been integrating new ways and technologies to manage their substantial amounts of fixed assets. Basically, fixed assets management is an accounting process that intends to track and manage fixed assets for financial purposes,...

The Cost of Using Spreadsheets on Fixed Assets Management

Ever since the dawn of the modern business, spreadsheets on Excel were the main method to keep track of fixed assets in a company. This, indeed, might work at the very beginning of the business, but as the business grows,...

IOT Will Alter the Face of the Earth As We Know It

I’m pretty sure you have watched “The Terminator” or James Cameron’s masterpiece “Avatar”. In case you haven’t, you probably should hit the store immediately and get the DVD’s. Perhaps the easiest way or let’s say “the most compelling” way to...

RFID is Replacing EAS System

I bet one of the most annoying things that has ever happened to me while shopping was when the alarm goes off when I leave the store. It’s irritating since it’s always a false alarm. The technology involved in this...

Smart Closet: Hello Amy, It’s Rainy Today!

What do you think about a SMART CLOSET? One thousand years ago, not even a sliver of all this technology has ever crossed the minds of people. To be honest, I can’t absorb everything that’s going on in our world...