Radio Frequency Identification is a new and emerging technology that helps humans identify other humans or machines remotely. This technology can be embedded within smart devices so they can identify and communicate with each other autonomously. This fact releases humans from the burden of the daily lengthy and intensive tasks. What makes RFID even more attractive for clients is its ability to offer wireless identification techniques. Hence, machines can remotely identify other machines and humans without the need for any physical contact, thus making any task easier, faster and even more flexible.

In addition, this new electronic and wireless identification technique is an embedded hardware software approach that does not require much space for implementing it. RFID comprises a small chip including a tiny antenna and a small-scale integrated circuit. These chips that we will call tags can seamlessly be attached to merchandise, animals or humans without affecting them. What makes the use of an RFID tag even more appealing is its capacity to receive power from a remotely located emitter and hence, there is no need for constantly providing it with power; all is done wirelessly. Furthermore, the size of a tag is application-dependent but is usually less than few centimeters which makes it compliant with any targeted object. In order to recognize and treat data, a handheld or stationary scanning device is used. These high-speed computing devices are capable of receiving and treating data issued by hundreds of tags per second. Therefore, long-lasting tasks can now be simply replaced with simple and prompt steps.